We’re getting ready to go live and we can’t wait. Make sure you sign up so you don’ t miss anything.
Of course we’re starting with two streams in one day, to keep you and us on our toes! First up at 9.30am we’ll be speaking to Dr Irfana Koita of IVF Matters, the UK’s first online fertility clinic about how she can help you.
Then, in the evening if you are based in the UK at Pamela Hirsch, founder of Baby Quest will be answering any questions you might have as the next round of grant applications will be available for you to apply
Our aim is to enable you to ask questions to a wide range of fertility services, people that you may never have heard about.
All you need to do is to like The Ultimate Fertility Guide facebook page as that is where the streams will be happening and the content will also be shared on our You tube channel as well too, so if for any reason you aren’t available, you can watch again.
We will be reminding you of when the streams are happening and you can also make a note of the upcoming dates above. If you don’t feel comfortable asking in person and have any questions you’d like to ask, please email info@theultimatefertilityguide.com
Looking forward to hearing from you