If you’ve not heard of The Fertility Podcast, we hope that now we’ve been introduced you will add it to your playlist as Natalie has now released there over 100 episodes covering all sorts of useful topics from unexplained infertility, male infertility, secondary infertility, endometriosis, egg freezing, donor eggs, PCOS, surrogacy. Natalie has spoken to experts all around the world as well as lots of people sharing their stories and the podcast has a really lovely loyal audience in over 50 countries.

If you already listen to podcasts you will know where to find them, such as iTunes in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Acast, iHeart Radio, Spreaker – there’s loads of places and we’ve made sure it pops up in all of them. The Fertility Podcast can also be heard through IVF Babble’s website  where every Thursday a special episode will be released from the exciting new partnership that The Fertility Podcast and the Babble ladies have formed sharing more of your stories and hearing from the amazing partners they are working with.

Fertility Network are also working with Natalie to make sure people accessing their content know about the podcast as we’ve all been trying to join the dots providing information that is easy to find and also the newly launched European Fertility Network is hosting the podcast and Natalie will be speaking to more European clinics which will be ideal for you, if you are looking to have treatment abroad.

If you are reading this as business who has signed up to The Ultimate Fertility Guide or as one who is thinking of signing up, The Fertility Podcast will be one of main places this guide is promoted. Obviously we’ll have all sorts of exciting online promotion too and each week, depending on what is happening with the latest live streamed session Natalie will tell her loyal listeners about the guide and how they can find it.

So, as we said earlier – we’re doing all we can think of to join up the dots to make sure people find us and ultimately you. Do go and have a look at The Fertility Podcast website as there’s lots of useful show notes about each episode and you can start listening right now just click on the latest episode below.