Having spent the last four years interviewing people for my fertility podcast I feel I’ve had a pretty credible insight into what a lot of us going through fertility treatment are feeling.
Time and time again I have the same conversations about how people feel like a number when at a clinic, or men feeling ignored by consultants – which I’m at a loss to understand. People talk about feeling overwhelmed by the options available to them or stupid for asking more questions. The launch of The Ultimate Fertility Guide to me, represents a turning point in how we – those dealing with infertility – are feeling.
We are hungry for information, we are feeling less stigmatised by this label, less afraid of speaking out. More mainstream press coverage has given us the confidence that we are not alone and that is why I am confident that by putting all this information in one place it will give a little bit of peace of mind to anyone seeking answers. That the fertility industry wants to help us, not just take our money.
When I was coming up with this idea of creating a directory I put out a survey asking whether people thought it was a good idea. Here are some of the responses :
“Would be great for those starting on the journey”
“I like that it is linking in the mainstream medical and also alternative practitioners as at the moment there is little joined up thinking with regards to fertility”
“I often don’t think to ask questions when at the clinic, and there is so much time between appointments. It would be nice to have a platform to get my questions answered as they arise at home in a more comfortable environment…I don’t find the clinic a friendly or positive place to be”
“More exposure and the opportunity to provide much-needed support and education to a large audience of people. It could also connect like-minded colleagues from around the world, which is always a plus”
“Having one place to go for everything”
“Useful information to forward to those who need it, further promotion and normalising fertility world”
“Having everything in one place where hopefully everything has been vetted”
“That its you doing it as a trusted reliable provider….but I think HFEA clinic guide and you doing unbiased info works fabulously”
“If not too salesy, a directory such as this could be a great resource for people seeking the type of information the HFEA is not able to provide. If I was still a fertility patient, I would appreciate the ability to engage anonymously and not have to subscribe to fertility related social media channels for information and support.”
“The clinic does not give you any information, you have to ask the questions! Then they give you answers in jargon and numbers which is difficult to follow (and I’m a nurse so should be used to it!). You have to be really proactive to find information, and I’m often worried that what I’m reading online isn’t evidence based or advised by people trying to get money”
“One place where the information is vetted for credibility”
“Time! People do need to invest their time in to visiting more than one clinic and understanding the emotional impact of treatment in advance”
“I think a certain lack of honesty/appetite for exploitation is present in the fertility industry. I think support and information brokered by a trusted source such as the Fertility Podcast and supporting a fertility charity would be well received by people in vulnerable positions.”
“I don’t think enough emphasis is put on nutrition and lifestyle advice to prepare the body adequately for a healthy pregnancy.”
“Emotional support, impartial advice”
“Not knowing where to start looking, so one place relevant to their location would be a benefit”
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